Wednesday, January 30, 2019

First high flight, Cornwall BC 1979

BC pilot Bob Krider sends this:

"My pioneering flight off Cornwall in 1979, after one year of flying. That was a rush. Sooooo high. I yelled insults at the tiny little cows below me for being stuck to the ground. The flight was heavily covered by the local press (front page news).

I got rid of that huge Electra Flyer Floater, which liked to spin at the slightest provocation. Moved to England in 1980. By then I had a couple hours total airtime, so figured I was ready for the new double surface fad,  and upgraded to a double surface Airwaves Comet in 1981.   I only destroyed one Comet before I got the hang of it."

Ashcroft Journal 1979-09-12 pg.1

Ashcroft Journal 1979-09-12 pg.2 

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea how a yung BOB (circa 1979) looks like a current COLE (circa 2020)!!!


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